Cache Busting is the process of appending some query parameter in the URLs of static resources such as JS, CSS or image file. Once we add a query parameter with newer value, the URL will get different from its previous version, hence browser won't find it's response in its cache & user will get the latest updated file from the server.…
To determine the code-point value of a Unicode character in SQL Server, you can use UNICODE function which is provided by default in SQL Server.For example, if you want to determine what is the…
Simply type Unicode Hex Value for the character & press Alt + x.Eg: Type 905 (Unicode Hex Value for Hindi letter अ), select this number & press Alt + x .You can find all unicode characters here & also…
If you are not using Redis in cluster mode or master-slave mode & still getting this error "CLUSTERDOWN Hash slot not served" then you must try below solution. That should fix the issue,Solution: Just…
Solution:Just make sure that Param should be in the first line of your PowerShell script. If it is not in the first line, then your might get above error.…
In this post, I will show you – how can you get a list of all node-modules installed globally & locally on your machine. List all node modules installed globallynpm list -g --depth 0npm list -gnpm …
Just go to your Views folder, open web.config & add this missing key <code class="lang-markup> <add namespace="System.Web.Optimization"/> there & you are done.Things to remember hereYou must have the…
Below small query will list all the procedures that contains specific text.SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id), definitionFROM sys.sql_modules WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsProcedure') = 1AND…
I recently faced this issue while I was trying to launch my ASP.NET MVC application from Visual Studio 2017 but I was unable t do that because Visual Studio was always showing me a popup with below…
Using Google fonts on your website is quite easy. You can start using Google fonts on your website in few easy steps. Step 1: Open Google Fonts website in your browser from this URL…