In this article, I am going to talk about these two terms - CommonJS and AMD.
Before two days, I was not even aware about these two technologies. When I heard about these, I googled and studied. In this article, I am going to share my understandings and hope that this will be quite beneficial for beginners.
Whenever we are planning to build a large scale application then we must be concerned about modular approach. Modular approach means, each part of software should be a module, and each module should be an independent piece of code. By doing this, we make a robust, scalable and maintainable code base, that is very much required in large scale applications.
What is modular JavaScript?
In JavaScript, a module is an independent unit of code. If we want to use a module in different module, then we just need to import that module. Syntax of importing a module is usually different in different Module Definition Specifications (CommonJS, AMD etc).
What is CommonJS and AMD?
CommonJS and AMD - Both are Module Definition Specifications or in easy words - these are the ways of writing a Module in JavaScript.
Defining a module in CommonJS
// hotelsModule.js
exports.getHotelsbyCityId = function(cityId){
return []; // return a list of hotels
// mainModule.js
var hotelsModule = require("hotelsModule");
exports.getHotelsInMumbai = function(){
var mumbaiCityId = 56;
return hotelsModule.getHotelsbyCityId(mumbaiCityId);
In CommonJS, we use exports object to create exportable/public properties or methods.
Define a module in AMD
define('moduleOne',['otherDepenedentModule'], function(otherDependentModule){
return {
func1: function(){ return "Ankush Jain in func1"; },
func2: function(){ return "Ankush Jain in func2"; };
In AMD, we return any object which we want to make publicly available.
- CommonJS loads modules synchronously while AMD loads modules asynchronously.
- CommonJS is mostly used at server level while AMD is mostly used at browser level.
- NodeJS is the best implementation of CommonJS pattern, all node-modules follow CommonJS pattern while RequireJS is the best implementation of AMD pattern.